Recently Issued TRB Publications and ASTM Standards

The NJDOT Research Library maintains a “Did You Know” page to share basic facts about the research library, transportation research resources, and newly issued publications.

The TRB Publications, January-February 2022 list includes recently published research in operations and traffic management, data information and technology, bridges and structures, pavements, bicycling and pedestrians, safety and human factors, and construction, among others.  The breadth of transportation research is on full display.  Recent papers cover such topics as unmanned aerials systems and bridge inspections; optimization modules for planning and programming of bridges; and safety and signal prioritization studies involving automated and connected vehicles; among other topics in this 125+ publication list.

One paper that caught our eye, "Enhanced Spatial–Temporal Map-Based Video Analytic Platform and Its Local- Versus Cloud-Based Deployment with Regional 511 Camera Network", explores the cloud- versus server-based deployment scenarios of an enhanced computer vision platform for potential deployment on low-resolution 511 traffic video streams.  The model evaluation described in the paper used videos from multiple cameras from the New Jersey Department of Transportation’s 511 traffic video surveillance system.

The ASTM Standards, September to December, 2021 list includes recently proposed and revised ASTM standards. The ASTM Book of Standards is available through the ASTM COMPASS Portal for NJDOT employees.

Please contact the NJDOT research librarian, Tammy Yeadon, MSLIS, at (609) 963-1898, or email at or  for assistance on how to retrieve these or other publications.

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