Lunchtime Tech Talks are a recognized strategy for knowledge transfer. Such events provide an informal and low cost means for highlighting current and best practices, giving attention to new and emerging issues in transportation, and exploring the findings and implications of recent transportation research. These sessions involve a limited time commitment, but leadership support for the concept and time taken from work is necessary. Participants can suggest “hot topics” for future presentations through an end of session survey.
- Sharing tacit knowledge to support problem solving and collaboration among participants in order to deepen knowledge and expertise.
- Creates a network of contacts.
- Helps to identify subject matter experts.
- Mechanism for sharing knowledge and new technology for the benefit of the organization.
- Builds trust between participants which supports dissemination of information.
- Organized around a profession, shared roles, and/or common issues.
- May be formed within a unit, with individuals in different units, or with individuals in various organizations.
- Whenever tacit information can be shared to improve individual knowledge and support organization goals.
- Determine focus of the group.
- Invite subject matter experts with the agency and in affiliate organizations.
- Determine how often to meet and how meeting will occur.
- Ensure that employees are allowed to attend presentations.
- Provide continuing education credits for attendance.
- Participants complete a feedback survey to comment on presentation and suggest other "hot topics.”
Lunchtime Tech Talks! are presentations that highlight current and best practices, give attention to new and emerging issues in transportation, and explore the findings and implications of recent transportation research. Subject matter experts provide information and answer questions. Participants can suggest “hot topics” for future presentations through an end of session survey.