Integrating GHG Assessment and Reduction Targets in Transportation Planning: Webinar Series

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) introduced Integrating GHG Assessment and Reduction Targets in Transportation Planning as part of the seventh round of the Every Day Counts (EDC) program. In order to explain and highlight best practices related to this initiative, FHWA has created a webinar series with four current entries and a new webinar planned for December 3, 2024, from 2:00-3:30 p.m. ET.

Recorded Webinars

GHG Emissions Analysis and Transportation Planning (February 27, 2024)
Passcode: 1q%$?@Jq
Description: Webinar 1 featured Ron Achelpohl from the Mid-America Regional Council (MARC). Ron discussed how MARC waded into these difficult discussions. The webinar also highlights Tara Weider and the excellent work that Oregon DOT has done to integrate GHG emissions broadly into their planning process.

Goals, Objectives, Performance Measures and Target Setting (April 30, 2024)
Passcode: ew0Zt2=@
Description: Webinar 2 focuses on setting goals, objectives, performance measures and targets. The webinar features presentations from Andrea Wright with the Vermont Agency for Transportation and Brian Filiatraut with the Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission.

Developing GHG Baseline Inventories, Forecasts, and Analyzing GHG Reduction Strategies (July 9, 2024)
Passcode: 4$5fKA$B
Description: Curious how to go about developing a GHG baseline inventory and forecast? Interested in hearing about how some areas are analyzing GHG emissions from different transportation strategies, including lifecycle emissions? Webinar 3 focuses on these topics with presentations from Jim Ponticello from Virginia DOT and Kathy Luther from the Northwestern Indiana Regional Planning Commission.

Integrating GHG Emissions Reductions into Transportation Plans (October 1, 2024)
Passcode: LgpgS?8$
Description: Developing a long-range transportation plan? Webinar 4 features Kim Ellis from Portland Metro and Devon Lovaas from Maryland DOT and focuses on integrating GHG emissions into the long range transportation planning process.

Integrating GHG Emissions into Transportation Improvement Programming (December 3, 2024)
Description: This webinar covers information on assessing how TIPs/STIPs can impact GHG emissions and how to incorporate GHG emissions-related criteria into project selection. The webinar will feature three presentations on the topic from Catherine Duffy of ICF, Katrina Kasier and Henry Mckay of Caltrans, and Tejas Kotak of the Atlanta Regional Commission.

U.S. DOT Climate Strategies That Work Playbook Launch (December 6, 2024)
Passcode: 1EV3?Pwi
Description: Watch this webinar to hear an overview of the USDOT Climate Strategies that Work Playbook, released in November 2024 by the USDOT Climate Change Center. The playbook is a new comprehensive resource developed to guide cities, regions, industry leaders, philanthropic strategists, and transportation professionals at every level in implementing the most effective strategies for reducing transportation sector greenhouse gas emissions.

Parking Reform as a Climate Strategy (December 18, 2024)
Passcode: VWk80QC%
Description: This webinar explores parking reform and curb management as a climate strategy. Participants will hear best practices and learn of innovations from government and NGO experts on topics ranging from addressing parking requirements, improved curb management, and planning for electric vehicle charging.

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