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New Jersey Legal Research

NJDOT employees conducting research on legal issues related to transportation can access many resources via the New Jersey State Library (NJSL).

NJSL’s Law Library recently published a list of New Jersey Legal Research Resources. The Law Library also maintains links to pages related to the State Legislature, administrative law including a searchable database of the New Jersey Administrative Code, and other topics.

NJSL and the NJDOT Research Library also have access to the Lexis Plus database.  This tool allows you to easily search the statutes or administrative code using citations or keywords.  The database includes annotations, case law materials, additional historic information, and links to additional and related information.

The Law Library recently helped an NJDOT employee access a historical version of the State Highway Access Management Code.

To start your research, please contact the NJDOT research librarian, Eric Schwarz, MLIS, at (609) 963-1898, or email library@dot.nj.gov.

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