From left to right: a woman in a hardhat working with a crowbar, then two men helping place a bridge component, finally three men on a paving device

Strategic Workforce Development Online Recordings & Presentations

Strategic Workforce Development is one of FHWA’s seven initiatives promoted in the seventh round of the Every Day Counts (EDC) program. Key emphasis is on developing new, innovative strategies to support qualified workers for highway construction projects. By strengthening this workforce by applying lessons learned with new training tools and customizable marketing materials, state transportation agencies can help to foster the next generation of transportation workers.

FHWA’s Center for Workforce Development has hosted several webinars about the Highway Construction Workforce Partnership (HCWP), highlighting success stories and best practices.


Recordings and select presentations are available here and future webinar announcements will be shared on the HCWP website.  Webinars have been held in 2023 and 2024 in support of states and localities seeking to advance the initiative during EDC-7 and earlier during EDC-6. Below are links to several webinars that can be found through the HCWP website.





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