Annotation of templates, outlines, plans, or other content/format guidelines provides specific instructions on items for inclusion and how to complete the template and provide documentation where necessary. The annotation instructs consultants and employees new to a position on proper document completion to ensure an accurate and consistent process among multiple users.
Annotated Template / Guidance Document
- Document that must be completed in a particular way has instructions embedded that can be deleted or written over. Provides detailed instruction on what elements to include and documentation needed.
- A self-explanatory form saves time when people with experience are not available to instruct others on the use of the form
- Ensures consistency among all users of the form
- Saves time when all instructions are available and avoids submission of incomplete forms
- Standard forms used frequently would be available for use as needed
- Posted online as a word document that is easily accessible to all users
- Posted as an example of a document, such as a plan, with instructions for completing a comparable document
- Determine best format for template
- Ensure that all instructions are included in the document