Accelerating Market Readiness Program

The Accelerating Market Readiness (AMR) program provides funding to spur the advancement of emerging transformative innovations that have potential to enhance roadway safety, shorten the project delivery process, and improve the performance of the transportation infrastructure. Funding is available for testing and field evaluations, pilot demonstration projects, and documentation and dissemination of performance results to widen the knowledge base on the innovations.

In October 2024, the FHWA issued a Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) that provides details about the AMR program, including the program’s focus areas, and information on the white paper solicitation procedures.

FHWA will provide AMR program funding for the following research topics:

  • Safety
  • Shortening Project Delivery
  • Infrastructure Performance
  • Climate and Sustainability
  • Equity
  • Digital Twins and Advanced Simulation Techniques

Awards from the AMR may be of any dollar value, but it is anticipated that most individual awards will range between $300,000 and $600,000.

To be considered for an award, offerors must submit a project white paper, which must be no more than six pages in length and comprise of a cover page and a technical approach. FHWA will work to return white paper evaluations within 60 days of receipt.

The proposed solicitation number will be 693JJ325BAA0001. The open period of the BAA is anticipated to be October 29, 2024, through October 28, 2029. The FHWA held a Virtual Industry Day on November 20, 2024 to explain the FHWA’s overall vision, to provide details regarding the AMR BAA requirements, and give interested parties the opportunity to ask questions.

For more details on the BAA or the AMR program, consult the BAA summary provided by the FHWA.

If you believe you have an innovation or technology that is eligible for funding under the AMR Program that New Jersey should pursue, please email