Below you can view 2018 presentations and session notes provided by NJDOT staff who attended the 97th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board (TRB), which is grouped by their bureau or unit. You can also download the entire set of presentations here: 2018 NJDOT TRB Roundtable Slides. The TRB AMOnline portal provides access to all available TRB papers and presentation slides and visual aids.
Introduction to TRB (326 KB, 11 slides)
Traffic Operations Notes (622 KB, 38 slides)
- Automated Vehicles Symposium 2017 (Session 129)
- Mobility of the Future Session (Session 203)
- Regional Transportation Systems Management & Operations (RTSMO) Committee, Connected and Automated Vehicles Working Group (AHB10)
- After Hurricanes (Session 191)
- Physical Security Sub-committee Meeting
- CyberSecurity Sub-committee Meeting
- Cybersecurity Challenges for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles: Fact vs. Myth (Session 592)
- Maintenance and Operations Workforce: Assessing the Effects of Technology and Demographics (Session 285)
- Diets, Diamonds, and Daring New Ideas for Intersections (Session 547)
- Vision Zero Evaluation Workshop (Session 881)
- Next Steps in Automated Vehicles
- Advanced Traffic Signal Performance Measure (ATSPMs)
- Innovation in Control Delay Calculation
- Work Zone Lane Capacity (Session 451)
- Proactive Signal Control Systems for Congestion Mitigation on Arterial

Notes from TRB Focus Area: Connected and Autonomous Vehicles
Statewide Planning Notes (2 MB, 63 slides)
- Connected and Autonomous Vehicles, which includes an overview of AV state legislation and developing a connected AV vision and notes on the following sessions:
- Metropolitan Policy Considerations for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (Part 1) (Session 265)
- Impacts of Connected and Autonomous Vehicles on Transportation Forecasting and Planning (Session 271)
- The Future of Transportation Infrastructure: What? Where? How? (Session 329)
- Planning for a Future with Autonomous and Connected Vehicles (Session 406)
- Smart Transportation: Getting Organized (Session 471)
- International Progress Toward Vehicle-Highway Automation (Session 546)
Bureau of Research Notes (3.3 MB, 43 slides)
- Optimizing Work Zone Lighting (Session 384)
- Roundabout Topics: Safety, Design and Operations (Session 777)
- Evaluation of different paints systems for over-coating exiting structural steel, Corrosion Committee (AHD45)
- Vision Zero at a Crossroads: Identifying Challenges and Developing Partnerships to Eliminate Traffic Deaths in the United States (Session 477)
- Competing Visions of Transportation’s Future (Session 268)
- The Future of Transportation and Reliance on Knowledge Sharing Among Transportation Organizations (Session 461)
- Humanizing Highway Landscape Design (Session 537)
- Tools for the Zombie Apocalypse: Avoiding the Brain Drain in Transportation Organizations (Session 661)
Multimodal Notes (1.4 MB, 8 slides)
- Aero Sessions:
- Unmanned Aircraft Systems (Session 237)
- Stating the Initiative: Aviation Programs, Funding, Support, and Development Among States (Session 372)
- Current Trends in Aviation System Planning: System Performance and Resiliency (Session 563)
- Essential Elements for Airport Operations: Pavement Repair, Aircraft Arresting and Anti-Icing (Session 628)
- Maritime Sessions:
- Where to Go with Transportation Taxes? Past evidence and future visions (Session 260)
- Emerging Technologies: The role of LIDAR and Unmanned Aerial Systems in supporting the transportation spatial information infrastructure (Session 263)
- Transportation Agency Data Governance and Open Data Efforts (Session 337)
- Freight Systems and Marine Transportation Work in Progress (Session 368)
- Marine Safety and Human Factors Committee Meeting
- A Comparison of Existing and Potential Ferry Services in Norway, Australia, and Washington, D.C. (Session 501)
- Freight Day, Part 1: Making Short-Haul Intermodal Work (Session 504)
- Improving Ferry Operations and Planning with Digital Information (Session 559)

Notes from TRB Session 598: Technological Advances in Road Ecology Science
Environmental Resources Notes (2 MB, 27 slides)
Climate Change Response: Where Are We Now and What Happens Next? (Session 331)
- Environmental Justice AASHTO Community of Practice, TERI Database, EJ Courses
- Decarbonization & Greenhouse Gas Reductions: Progress, Priorities, and Research Needs (Session 466)
- Technological Advances in Road Ecology Science (Session 598)
- What’s Hot in State DOTs (Session 342)
- Increasing Infrastructure Resilience through Bioenhancement (Session 629)
- Virtual or Augmented Reality (Session 205)
Civil Rights & Affirmative Action Notes (5.3MB, 48 slides)
- Revenue and Finance: The Uncertainty of Funding
- Environmental Justice in Transportation Committee
- Community Impact Assessment Committee Meeting
- DBE Program
- The Interstate: Mitigating Past and Current Project Impacts (Session 269)

“Mending the Divide” — Notes from Session 269: The Interstate: Mitigating Past and Current Project Impacts
Capital Program Support Notes (2.5 MB, 11 slides)
- Public Engagement for Crisis Situations (Session 157)
- Environmental Justice in Transportation Committee
- Planning Process and Environmental Justice (Session 805)
- Joint Subcommittee on Community Impact Assessment
Structural Engineering Notes (740 KB, 7 slides)
- Truck Size and Weight: What You Need to Know (Session 120)
- Bridging the Gap Between Non-Destructive Evaluation and Structural Health Monitoring (Session 164)