USDOT Climate Change Center Webinar Series

Since 2024, the USDOT Climate Change Center has hosted webinars on climate change and transportation topics, ranging from greenhouse gas reduction strategies to climate resilience activities to research and technology advancement. The USDOT Climate Change Center held a Spring 2024 Webinar Series featuring 5 webinars, and a Fall/Winter 2024 Series comprising an additional 6 webinars. In 2025, USDOT will host a 13-webinar 2025 Climate Change Webinar Series, including webinars on topics such as resiliency, clean energy, and accessibility.

Recorded Webinars

Climate Change and Transportation 101 (February 8, 2024)
Passcode: so*bDP5z
Description: With welcoming remarks and state of play from USDOT Deputy Assistant Secretary Ann Shikany, briefings from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) scientists and climate experts across the US Government, this training covers strategies to reduce transportation greenhouse gas emissions, improve the resilience of transportation networks to climate change impacts, and USDOT funding programs, technical assistance, research, and policy leadership to tackle the climate crisis.

Transit-Oriented Development (March 25, 2024)
Passcode: m2AR*DOY
Description: Co-hosted by the Department of Housing and Urban Development, this webinar engages state, regional, Tribal, and local decision makers and other stakeholders in learning more about how transit-oriented development can be a transportation decarbonization strategy. Participants will hear success stories and learn about opportunities to receive federal funding for transit-oriented developments projects.

Intermodal Freight Decarbonization (April 26, 2024)
Passcode: 2fFVUj..
Description: This webinar focuses on best practices and opportunities for state and local authorities to reduce carbon emissions across the freight sector, including in heavy-duty trucking, rail, and maritime.

Climate Adaptation and Resilience in Transportation (May 30, 2024)
Passcode: yGL?gDU0
Description: The Department of Transportation is implementing many programs to adapt to climate change and make infrastructure resilient to natural hazards exacerbated by climate change. This webinar highlights efforts to improve infrastructure resilience through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and other funding opportunities, as well as through research and the development of tools and resources.

Climate Change Research & Technology (June 18, 2024)
Passcode: 6!diD4X&
Description: Learn from leading experts how US DOT is advancing innovative research and technologies to address the urgent challenges posed by the climate crisis.

Climate Equity and Environmental Justice: Leveraging Data and Evidence (September 24, 2024) Passcode: i$d?29+Q
Featuring discussion of the White House Environmental Justice Science, Data, and Research Plan and DOT environmental justice activities and programs.

Advancing Low Carbon Materials (October 9, 2024)
Passcode: B$BW8%X3
Description: This webinar explores innovative approaches and best practices for integrating clean materials into transportation projects, aimed at reducing environmental impact and enhancing efficiency. Participants will gain insights from industry experts and learn about federal initiatives supporting the adoption of clean materials.

Resilient Transportation Infrastructure: Flood Resilience Resources (November 14, 2024)
Passcode: 3Tap&?$f
Description: This webinar provides an overview of several flood resilience planning tools and approaches for integration into transportation projects. Participants will learn about DOT’s interim guidance on the Federal Flood Risk Management Standard (FFRMS) and state and local resilience programs to protect roads, highways, bridges, and communities from extreme precipitation and flooding impacts.

U.S. DOT Climate Strategies that Work Playbook Launch (December 6, 2024)
Passcode: 1EV3?Pwi
Description: Join this webinar to hear an overview of the USDOT Climate Strategies that Work Playbook, released in November 2024 by the USDOT Climate Change Center. The playbook is a new comprehensive resource developed to guide cities, regions, industry leaders, philanthropic strategists, and transportation professionals at every level in implementing the most effective strategies for reducing transportation sector greenhouse gas emissions.

Parking Reform as a Climate Strategy (December 18, 2024)
Passcode: VWk80QC%
Description: This webinar explores parking reform and curb management as a climate strategy. Participants will hear best practices and learn of innovations from government and NGO experts on topics ranging from addressing parking requirements, improved curb management, and planning for electric vehicle charging.

Action Plans for Implementing Transportation Decarbonization (January 13, 2025)
Passcode: 7555&9!y
Description: The action plans for implementing the U.S. National Blueprint for Transportation Decarbonization chart a path forward for all levels of government and the private sector to cut carbon pollution while building a stronger economy and healthier communities with good-paying jobs, more customer choice, domestic manufacturing, and secure supply chains. The action plans were developed by the Departments of Energy, Transportation, and Housing and Urban Development, and the Environmental Protection Agency, working with stakeholders. This webinar will highlight the action plans for improving efficiency and the action plans for the rail and maritime sectors.

Enhancing Transportation Resilience (January 15, 2025)
Passcode: 1X@22k.4
Description: Explore government initiatives, innovative approaches, and best practices to strengthen transportation systems against natural events and climate impacts. Participants will gain insights from government, industry, and research experts on advancing resilience and implementing sustainable practices in transportation.

The New Behavioral Science of Mode Choice (February 26, 2025)
Description: The Climate Action Accelerator at the Salata Institute presents: The New Behavioral Science of Mode Choice. This webinar uses insights from behavioral science insights into how, when, why, and where people consider and make choices to describe new, low-cost, impactful and behavior-oriented transportation interventions that support people in choosing the best transportation modes for their personal circumstances. The webinar’s main message is that life changes like forming a family, taking a new job, moving to a new place, and reconfiguring social networks create opportunities for mode shift where the transportation system makes mode shifts easy

Upcoming Webinars

Mar. 19 – Nature-Based Solutions for Transportation Resilience
Apr. 16 – Transmission, Clean Energy Generation, and Storage Siting in Transportation Rights-of-Way
May 8 – ACCESS for All: Improving Transportation Mobility and Accessibility
June 11 – Extreme Heat: Protecting Travelers and Transportation Workers
July 16 – Transit Ridership
Aug. 27 – Sustainable Aviation Fuel: Programs Enabling Research, Development, and Deployment
Sept. 17 – Economic Benefits of Resilience
Oct. 01 – Spotlight on the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA)
Oct. 15 – Repricing Transportation
Nov. 12 – Weathering the Storm: Transportation Lessons from Climate Challenges
Dec 10 – Sustainable Freight

Register Here

Integrating GHG Assessment and Reduction Targets in Transportation Planning: Webinar Series

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) introduced Integrating GHG Assessment and Reduction Targets in Transportation Planning as part of the seventh round of the Every Day Counts (EDC) program. In order to explain and highlight best practices related to this initiative, FHWA has created a webinar series with four current entries and a new webinar planned for December 3, 2024, from 2:00-3:30 p.m. ET.

Recorded Webinars

GHG Emissions Analysis and Transportation Planning (February 27, 2024)
Passcode: 1q%$?@Jq
Description: Webinar 1 featured Ron Achelpohl from the Mid-America Regional Council (MARC). Ron discussed how MARC waded into these difficult discussions. The webinar also highlights Tara Weider and the excellent work that Oregon DOT has done to integrate GHG emissions broadly into their planning process.

Goals, Objectives, Performance Measures and Target Setting (April 30, 2024)
Passcode: ew0Zt2=@
Description: Webinar 2 focuses on setting goals, objectives, performance measures and targets. The webinar features presentations from Andrea Wright with the Vermont Agency for Transportation and Brian Filiatraut with the Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission.

Developing GHG Baseline Inventories, Forecasts, and Analyzing GHG Reduction Strategies (July 9, 2024)
Passcode: 4$5fKA$B
Description: Curious how to go about developing a GHG baseline inventory and forecast? Interested in hearing about how some areas are analyzing GHG emissions from different transportation strategies, including lifecycle emissions? Webinar 3 focuses on these topics with presentations from Jim Ponticello from Virginia DOT and Kathy Luther from the Northwestern Indiana Regional Planning Commission.

Integrating GHG Emissions Reductions into Transportation Plans (October 1, 2024)
Passcode: LgpgS?8$
Description: Developing a long-range transportation plan? Webinar 4 features Kim Ellis from Portland Metro and Devon Lovaas from Maryland DOT and focuses on integrating GHG emissions into the long range transportation planning process.

Integrating GHG Emissions into Transportation Improvement Programming (December 3, 2024)
Description: This webinar covers information on assessing how TIPs/STIPs can impact GHG emissions and how to incorporate GHG emissions-related criteria into project selection. The webinar will feature three presentations on the topic from Catherine Duffy of ICF, Katrina Kasier and Henry Mckay of Caltrans, and Tejas Kotak of the Atlanta Regional Commission.

U.S. DOT Climate Strategies That Work Playbook Launch (December 6, 2024)
Passcode: 1EV3?Pwi
Description: Watch this webinar to hear an overview of the USDOT Climate Strategies that Work Playbook, released in November 2024 by the USDOT Climate Change Center. The playbook is a new comprehensive resource developed to guide cities, regions, industry leaders, philanthropic strategists, and transportation professionals at every level in implementing the most effective strategies for reducing transportation sector greenhouse gas emissions.

Parking Reform as a Climate Strategy (December 18, 2024)
Passcode: VWk80QC%
Description: This webinar explores parking reform and curb management as a climate strategy. Participants will hear best practices and learn of innovations from government and NGO experts on topics ranging from addressing parking requirements, improved curb management, and planning for electric vehicle charging.

Equity in Roadway Safety: Webinar Series

Recorded Webinars 

FHWA’s equity in roadway safety webinar series shares equitable strategies and tools that can be integrated into transportation programs and projects to close disparities in roadway fatalities on the way to our shared goal of zero deaths. Several recordings are available below.  

Roadway Safety for People Experiencing Homelessness (September 4, 2024)
Passcode: =3HZ8x@Md
Description: Learn from Texas Department of Transportation’s Austin District, Hawaii Department of Transportation, and the City of San José, California about how they are implementing strategies to address the road safety needs of people experiencing homelessness, a population that experiences significant disparities in roadway fatalities, as part of their work to reach the goal of zero deaths.

Read the Case Study on Promising Practices to Address Road Safety among People Experiencing Homelessness. This Case Study highlights seven promising practices. Each one includes a description, suggested actions to implement the promising practice, and examples of how State and local transportation agencies are implementing them.

Equitable Data Analysis (May 22, 2024)
Passcode: =@k?D?6$ 
Description: Join us to learn about available tools to collect, analyze and visualize data to support safety and equity. This session features (1) a demo from NHTSA on the FIRST tool, which allows you to quickly and easily disaggregate crash fatality data by race, crash contributors, etc. and visualize these crashes and (2) presentations on the Syndromic Surveillance Program by the CDC and Washington State Department of Health which allows you to potentially access real-time data on serious injury for pedestrians from emergency departments. 

Tools and Strategies for Equitable Design (March 27, 2024)
Passcode: *9Xna&Ln
Description: Learn about tools and strategies to integrate equity and safety considerations into project design. This webinar features presentations from the CDC on healthy community design and anti-displacement strategies, the US Access Board on accessible designs for pedestrians with disabilities, and a non-profit on empowering young people in transportation decision making. 

Strategies for Meaningful Public Involvement in Roadway Safety Planning (September 20, 2023; October 24, 2023)

State and Regional Agencies
Passcode: Fn^!pfz3
Description: Learn about innovative practices to meaningfully engage underserved communities through intentional outreach, compensation, and partnerships to deliver more effective projects that advance safety for all road users. Featuring representatives from Minnesota DOT; Washington State Traffic Safety Commission; Alameda County, CA; and BGMPO, NC. 

Local Public Agencies
Passcode: !M62RD#Y
Description: Learn about innovative practices to build relationships with underserved communities to develop robust local Safety Action Plans and deliver more effective projects that advance safety for all road users. Featuring representatives from Charlotte, NC; Detroit, MI; and Lancaster, PA. 

USDOT and FHWA Update and Vision Zero Network Resources
Passcode: y#MK5+d2
Description: This session features presentations on USDOT’s Promising Practices for Meaningful Public Involvement in Transportation Decision Making Guide and tools from the Vision Zero Network. 

Tools to Conduct Equitable Safety Data Analysis (June 14, 2023)

Presentation of all four tools (1 hour)
Passcode: bPu!u0B2

FHWA Title VI Toolkit Demo
Audio Transcript
Passcode: %uba6x%5
Description: Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination based on race, color, and national origin. Learn about how to access and analyze race and ethnicity data and Limited English Proficiency (LEP) data from You will walk away with practical strategies to access and use U.S. Census data on race and ethnicity and LEP for compliance with Title VI.

Screening Tool for Equity Analysis of Projects (STEAP) and HEPGIS Equity Maps
Audio Transcript
Passcode: ZcW6@KU7
Description: You may walk away with a GIS mapping of your community overlaying demographic and crash data.

Audio Transcript
Passcode: 4$UD&38R
Description: This NEW FHWA tool is intended for small cities and MPOs. You will walk away with a list of locations with pedestrian safety risks in your community. To access the tool, visit and email “Contact” to request user access. You must also gather a zipped shapefile of your jurisdiction’s pedestrian crash data. 

U.S. DOT Equitable Transportation Community (ETC) Explorer
This tool is evolving. Follow the instructions on the website for the most up-to-date information.

Equity in Roadway Safety Leadership Panel (April 17, 2023)
Passcode: Vu5d0=Xi
Description: USDOT’s ETC Explorer tool is a NEW interactive web application that uses 2020 Census Tracts and data to help practitioners distribute the benefits of investments to address transportation related causes of disadvantage. You can use the tool to generate scores that can be used in applications for USDOT discretionary grant programs or in making STIP project

Enhancing Performance with Internally Cured Concrete (EPIC2) Videos

Enhancing Performance with Internally Cured Concrete (EPIC2) is one of FHWA’s innovations promoted in the seventh round of the Every Day Counts (EDC) program.

FHWA’s Innovation Spotlight video introducing the innovation for the Round 7 launch and a series of online training videos are shown below. The FHWA’s Center for Accelerating Innovation, EDC-7 EPIC2 page provides links to several videos and links to other supporting research, model specifications and technical assistance resources.

Innovation Spotlight: Enhancing Performance with Internally Cured Concrete (EPIC2)

FHWA Concrete Clips: Internal Curing Video

Expanded Shale, Clay, and Slate Institute (ESCSI) Internal Curing Videos

Internal Curing Prepared for the National Concrete Consortium Webinar Series

Oregon DOT’s Strategy to Implement Internal Curing webinar and presentation slides.

Implementation of Internal Curing by a Local Agency webinar and presentation slides. The webinar, held on October 29, 2024, featured speakers from Louisiana Transportation Research Center and the Lafayette, LA City-Parish Consolidated Government. The webinar highlighted the local agency’s positive experience with IC and the process involved in adding IC to bridge deck construction.

From left to right: a woman in a hardhat working with a crowbar, then two men helping place a bridge component, finally three men on a paving device

Strategic Workforce Development Online Recordings & Presentations

Strategic Workforce Development is one of FHWA’s seven initiatives promoted in the seventh round of the Every Day Counts (EDC) program. Key emphasis is on developing new, innovative strategies to support qualified workers for highway construction projects. By strengthening this workforce by applying lessons learned with new training tools and customizable marketing materials, state transportation agencies can help to foster the next generation of transportation workers.

FHWA’s Center for Workforce Development has hosted several webinars about the Highway Construction Workforce Partnership (HCWP), highlighting success stories and best practices.


Recordings and select presentations are available here and future webinar announcements will be shared on the HCWP website.  Webinars have been held in 2023 and 2024 in support of states and localities seeking to advance the initiative during EDC-7 and earlier during EDC-6. Below are links to several webinars that can be found through the HCWP website.





National Operations Center of Excellence Video Resources

The National Operations Center of Excellence (NOCoE) maintains a YouTube Channel that is offers a suite of resources to serve the transportation systems management and operations (TSMO) community. The channel covers webinars on TSMO, NOCoE Case Study Videos, Virtual Peer Exchanges, Traffic Incident Management and Emergency Response, among other topics.

Learn more and visit the NoCOE website or go directly to the NoCoE YouTube Channel landing page to access more than 450 videos.

2-D Hydraulic Modeling User’s Forum Web Series

The FHWA 2-D Hydraulic Modeling User’s Forum webinar series periodically holds webinar events and conveys information about FHWA Resource Center opportunities, training opportunities, current software versions, FEMA guidance and other available resources.  The use of 2-D Hydraulic Modeling tools was promoted through the Every Day Counts Round 4 and 5 innovation Collaborative Hydraulics: Advancing to the Next Generation of Engineering (CHANGE).  For more information, please go to: CHANGE.

All SMS/SRH-2D Hydraulic Modeling Resource Links and Information have been compiled into a single PDF file for download here.  (Updated April 2024) Following is an overview of the resources included:

  • Software download and licensing instructions
  • NHI Training Course information
  • 2D Hydraulic Modeling Reference Document link
  • SMS Wiki Page
  • 2D Modeling Tutorials link
  • YouTube 2D Hydraulic Modeling Videos (new videos added)
  • YouTube demonstration videos for the NHI 135095 2D Hydraulic Modeling Course
  • YouTube 2D Sediment Transport Videos
  • 2D Hydraulic Modeling User’s Forum links to previous web recordings and handouts
  • FHWA Bridge Scour Workshop

This information is updated prior to each 2D Hydraulic Modeling User’s Forum web meeting.

NJDOT Traffic Incident Management Training Course – Now Available Online as Self-Guided Course

The New Jersey Department of Transportation’s Traffic Incident Management (NJTIM) training is now available as an online, self-guided course. Bringing first responder training program to an online training platform should make it easier for even more emergency and incident response personnel to access a life-saving training. The new online course can be accessed through the NJTIM website.

The TIM training program focuses on a response effort that protects motorists and first responders during a roadside emergency, while minimizing impact on traffic flow. Since its inception in 2009, NJDOT and its partner agencies have trained more than 24,000 emergency and incident response personnel, including police, firefighters, EMS personnel, DOT crews, towing/recovery companies and other responders.

Training efforts, like these, are crucial in coordinating response efforts that keep all first responders and transportation professionals safe.

The new online training course can be found at NJ TIM Website:

Providing easier access to TIM training for busy first responders and transportation professionals should prove more cost effective than traditional, in-person meetings for organizations with limited budgets. The online training program is asynchronous, offering greater flexibility in taking the training for personnel whose work schedules may not align with in-person training dates.

Online programs can also be easily updated and revised, ensuring that participants receive the most current and relevant information.

The online training is designed to engage training participants with videos, simulations, knowledge checks, and interactive scenarios that mimic real-world situations. The online TIM training utilizes assessments and certifications to evaluate the trainees’ understanding of the material and practice decision-making in high-stress scenarios without real world consequences.

The online TIM training program seeks to improve safely and coordination in responding to incidents on New Jersey’s roadways. The target audience for this training is county and municipal law enforcement and emergency personnel, including volunteer firefighters and EMTs.

FHWA’s Every Day Counts Program has recognized the importance of TIM as model safety and mobility innovation. In Round 6, Next-Generation TIM: Integrating Technology, Data, and Training, the importance of training of local agencies was encouraged.

The FHWA’s Talking TIM webinar series provides best practices, new technological innovations, and successful implementations. The webinar series provides a forum where TIM champions with any level of experience can exchange information about current practices, programs, and technologies.

More information on the rationale and benefits of the new course can be found in the video and the NJDOT press release.

ITS Training and Resource Hub

The Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Professional Capacity Building (PCB) Program and its partners offer trainings and resources to support workforce development and technical assistance for practitioners. These resources include:

  • Trainings: Classroom, web-based and blended courses
  • Webinars: Talking Transportation and Technology (T3) webinars and Talking Technology and Transportation in Education (T3e) webinars
  • Other Resources: Fact Sheets, videos, and other materials

Most of these resources are free

Schedule and Recent Recordings

Click the ITS Training and Resource Hub link to access resources for the following topics. From the site, click an icon to access the resources for that topic or access all resources.

An archive of past webinars can be accessed to elevate knowledge on many topics.

ITS Training And Resource Hub maintains training resources on these topics.

Image of an intersection at night, a long exposure has made the cars driving by appear as lines of light

Adventures in Crowdsourcing Webinar Series 

The Crowdsourcing Innovation Team in collaboration with the Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office (ITS JPO) Professional Capacity Building (PCB) Program is offering the crowdsourcing course through a series of five free webinars. Webinars feature State and local practitioner perspectives to complement course content. Webinars will take place the third Tuesday of each month at 1:00 p.m. EST.

The following highlights webinar dates and topics in 2023 (links to completed recordings of webinars and presentations may be pending)

The Crowdsourcing Course is intended for transportation operations managers, transportation analysts, consultants, and university students focusing on transportation. Because it is an introductory course, prior crowdsourcing experience is not required for participation. The course is intended to:

  • Broaden participants’ understanding of how crowdsourced data from free navigation apps, vehicle probes, connected vehicles, social media, and other sources can improve transportation operations and safety.
  • Help participants consider whether a specific application of crowdsourced data could meet their organization’s needs for improving transportation operations.

Crowdsourcing for Advancing Operations was a Federal Highway Administration’s (FHWA) Every Day Counts initiatives for the 2021-2022 round (EDC-6). The program looked for innovative solutions to integrating low-cost data, such as information from smartphones or connected vehicles, into transportation systems management and operations (TSMO). To support this effort, FHWA offers “Adventures in Crowdsourcing”, a series of virtual events with industry leaders sharing their knowledge and solutions.  More information on this EDC-6 Initiative, including case studies is available here.  

Visit the Adventures in Crowdsourcing webinar page to view past webinars, or click on one of the links below to view a specific webinar.

FHWA contacts for Crowdsourcing for Advancing Operations are James Colyar (, Ralph Volpe (, and Greg Jones (, the FHWA EDC-6 crowdsourcing coleads .