Recently Issued TRB Publications and ASTM Standards

The NJDOT Research Library maintains a “Did You Know” page to share basic facts about the research library, transportation research resources, and newly issued publications.

The TRB Publications, March to April 2022 list includes recently published research in operations and traffic management, data information and technology, bridges and structures, pavements, bicycling and pedestrians, safety and human factors, and construction, among others.

A couple of recent research articles that caught our eye, included:

The ASTM Standards, January to April, 2022 list includes recently proposed and revised ASTM standards. As a reminder, the ASTM Book of Standards is available through the ASTM COMPASS Portal for NJDOT employees.

Please contact the NJDOT research librarian, Tammy Yeadon, MSLIS, at (609) 963-1898, or email at or  for assistance on how to retrieve these or other publications.

TRB Publications (March-April, 2022)

The following is a list of research published by the Transportation Research Board (TRB) between March 1, 2022 and April 30, 2022. Current articles from the TRB may be accessed here. 

Image reads: Research

Image reads: work zones 




ASTM Standards Updates (January – April, 2022)

The following is a list of recently proposed and revised standards from ASTM from January 1, 2022 to April 30, 2022. Standard revisions have been sorted by their placement in the ASTM Book of Standards.

The ASTM Book of Standards is available through the ASTM COMPASS Portal for NJDOT employees. To learn how to access NJDOT's Research Library's standards materials, including the Book of Standards, please contact the librarian.

New updates for standards from ASTM may be viewed here.

Recently Issued TRB Publications and ASTM Standards

The NJDOT Research Library maintains a “Did You Know” page to share basic facts about the research library, transportation research resources, and newly issued publications.

The TRB Publications, January-February 2022 list includes recently published research in operations and traffic management, data information and technology, bridges and structures, pavements, bicycling and pedestrians, safety and human factors, and construction, among others.  The breadth of transportation research is on full display.  Recent papers cover such topics as unmanned aerials systems and bridge inspections; optimization modules for planning and programming of bridges; and safety and signal prioritization studies involving automated and connected vehicles; among other topics in this 125+ publication list.

One paper that caught our eye, "Enhanced Spatial–Temporal Map-Based Video Analytic Platform and Its Local- Versus Cloud-Based Deployment with Regional 511 Camera Network", explores the cloud- versus server-based deployment scenarios of an enhanced computer vision platform for potential deployment on low-resolution 511 traffic video streams.  The model evaluation described in the paper used videos from multiple cameras from the New Jersey Department of Transportation’s 511 traffic video surveillance system.

The ASTM Standards, September to December, 2021 list includes recently proposed and revised ASTM standards. The ASTM Book of Standards is available through the ASTM COMPASS Portal for NJDOT employees.

Please contact the NJDOT research librarian, Tammy Yeadon, MSLIS, at (609) 963-1898, or email at or  for assistance on how to retrieve these or other publications.

TRB Publications (January-February, 2022)

The following is a list of research published by the Transportation Research Board (TRB) between January 1, 2022 and February 28, 2022. Current articles from the TRB may be accessed here. 

Calibration of Dynamic Volume-Delay Functions: A Rolling Horizon-Based Parsimonious Modeling Perspective

Methodology to Quantify Statewide Evacuations

Developing Signal Warrants for Restricted Crossing U-Turn Intersections

Modeling Departure Time Choice of Car Commuters in Dhaka, Bangladesh

Identifying Wrong-Way Driving Incidents from Regular Traffic Videos Using Unsupervised Trajectory-based Method

Does Displaying Safety Messages on Dynamic Message Signs have Measurable Impacts on Crash Risk?

Simulation-Based Dynamic Traffic Assignment with Continuously Distributed Value of Time for Heterogeneous Users

Improving Stratification Procedures and Accuracy of Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) Estimates for Non-Federal Aid-System (NFAS) Roads

Conditional Transit Signal Priority for Connected Transit Vehicles

Use of Real-Time Traffic and Signal Timing Data in Modeling Occupant Injury Severity at Signalized Intersections

Coordinated Perimeter Flow and Variable Speed Limit Control for Mixed Freeway and Urban Networks

Capacity Gains of Splitting Cross-Traffic into Multiple Sub-Streams

Calibrating Wiedemann-99 Model Parameters to Trajectory Data of Mixed Vehicular Traffic

Recurrent Neural Network for Estimating Speed Using Probe Vehicle Data in an Urban Area

Effects of Traffic Control Devices on Rural Curve Lateral Position

Developing a Google Earth-Based Method to Measure Sight Distance for U-Turns at Unsignalized Intersections on Multilane Divided Highways

Ramp Metering with Microscopic Gap Detection Algorithm Design and Empirical Acceleration Verification

Development of Joint Stated-Preference-off-Revealed-Preference Model for Shanghai Commute Mode Choices in Response to Parking Fee Management

Parameter Sensitivity Analysis of a Cooperative Dynamic Bus Lane System With Connected Vehicles

Quantitative Multi-Criteria Decision Support Approach for Prioritizing Grade Crossings to Address the Problem of Blocked Crossings

Image reads: work zones 




Recently Issued TRB Publications and ASTM Standards

The NJDOT Research Library maintains a  “Did You Know” page to share basic facts about the research library, transportation research resources, and newly issued publications.

The TRB Publications, November-December, 2021  list includes recently published research in:  planning and forecasting, bridges and structures, pavements, operations and traffic management, bicycling and pedestrians, intelligent transportation systems, safety and human factors,  and construction, among others.  This 200+ list of recent publications reveals emerging trends and cutting-edge research and implementation in transportation that may inspire you.

The ASTM Standards, September to December, 2021 list includes recently proposed and revised ASTM standards. The ASTM Book of Standards is available through the ASTM COMPASS Portal for NJDOT employees.

Please contact the NJDOT research librarian, Tammy Yeadon, MSLIS, at (609) 963-1898, or email at or  for assistance on how to retrieve these or other publications.

TRB Publications (November – December, 2021)

The following is a list of research published by the Transportation Research Board (TRB) between November 1, 2021 and December 31, 2021. Current articles from the TRB may be accessed here. 

Database Design and Integration Framework for Risk Management for State Highway Agencies

Analyzing Travel Time Reliability from Sparse Probe Vehicle Data: A Case Study on the Effects of Spatial and Temporal Aggregation

Effectiveness of Training Sample and Features for Random Forest on Road Extraction from Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-Based Point Cloud

Mobility as a Service Operating Model to Enable Public Policy

Diagnosing Obstacles to Speed and Reliability with High-Resolution Automatic Vehicle Locator Data: Bus Time Budgets

Development and Comparative Analysis of Advanced Deep Learning Techniques for Crash Prediction in Advanced Driver Support Systems

Post-Hurricane Vegetative Debris Assessment Using Spectral Indices Derived from Satellite Imagery

Assessing Trustworthiness of Crowdsourced Flood Incident Reports Using Waze Data: A Norfolk, Virginia Case Study

Detour-Impact Index Method and Traffic Gathering Algorithm for Assessing Alternative Paths of Disrupted Roads

Toward Just-in-Time Data Communications over Shared Networks and Computational Resources on Massive Client Environment

Smart Parking Systems: A Data-Oriented Taxonomy and a Metadata Model

Driving Behavior at Signalized Intersections Operating under Disordered Traffic Conditions

Automated Object Detection, Mapping, and Assessment of Roadside Clear Zones Using Lidar Data

Evaluating Commercial Probe Data Quality on Arterial Facilities: Insights From Multi-Year Cross-Vendor Validation

An Enhanced Network-Level Curve Safety Assessment and Monitoring Using Mobile Devices

FHWA Expands Access to Highway Infrastructure Engineering Research Data

Evaluating the Impacts of Speed Limit Increases on Rural Two-Lane Highways Using Quantile Regression

Safety Performance of Crossroad Ramp Terminals at Single-Point and Tight Diamond Interchanges

Evaluating Traffic Impacts of Permitting Trucks in Transit-Only Lanes

Using High-Resolution Signal Controller Data in the Calibration of Signalized Arterial Simulation Models

Enhancing the Performance of Vehicle Passenger Detection under Adverse Weather Conditions Using Augmented Reality-Based Machine Learning Approach

Impacts of Holding Area Policies on Shared Autonomous Vehicle Operations

Examining Driver Compliance with a Move-Over/Slow Down Law in Consideration of Vehicle Type and Messages Displayed on Upstream Dynamic Message Signs

Estimating Safety Impacts of Adaptive Signal Control Technology Using a Full Bayesian Approach

Impact of Turning Lane Storage Length and Turning Proportions on Throughput at Oversaturated Signalized Intersections

Evaluation of Traffic Signal Systems Effectiveness in Connected Vehicle Environments Using Trajectory Analytics

Assessment of Operational Effectiveness of SynchroGreen Adaptive Signal Control System in South Carolina

Online and Proactive Vehicle Rerouting with Uppaal Stratego

Driver Expectations toward Strategic Routing

Probabilistic Situation Assessment for Intelligent Vehicles with Uncertain Trajectory Distribution

Sequential Optimization of an Emergency Response Vehicle’s Intra-Link Movement in a Partially Connected Vehicle Environment

Distant Traffic Light Recognition Using Semantic Segmentation

Developing Mixed Traffic Equivalency Factors to Estimate Saturation Flow at Urban Signalized Intersections

Imputing Parking Usage on Sparsely Monitored Areas Within Amsterdam Through the Application of Machine Learning

Third-Party Data Fusion to Estimate Freeway Performance Measures

Curbspace Management Challenges and Opportunities from Public and Private Sector Perspectives

Revised Method for Calculating Departure Sight Distance at Two-Way Stop-Controlled (TWSC) Intersections

Analyzing the Newest Interchange Connection at Cairo Metro Network Pertaining to Passenger Flow

Impact of Transportation Network Companies on Ground Access to Airports: A Case Study in Austin, Texas

Dynamic Vehicle Routing with Parking Probability under Connected Environment

Comparative Appraisal of Critical Gap Estimation Techniques in the Context of U-turning Vehicles

Optimal Excess Commuting Evaluation Based on Local Minimal Costs

Connected and Automated Parking Feasibility – A Pilot Study

NCHRP Project 08-120: Systems Engineering for Rural Connected Vehicle Corridors: Customizable Model Documents


Image reads: Pavements

Life-Cycle Assessment of Asphalt Pavements with Recycled Post-Consumer Polyethylene

Utilization of Cold Central Plant Recycled Asphalt in Long-Life Flexible Pavements

Using Artificial Intelligence to Estimate Nonlinear Resilient Modulus Parameters from Common Index Properties

High Friction Surface Treatment Deterioration Analysis and Characteristics Study

Five-Year Project-Level Statewide Pavement Performance Forecasting Using a Two-Stage Machine Learning Approach Based on Long Short-Term Memory

Mechanistic-Empirical Faulting Prediction Model for Unbonded Concrete Overlays of Concrete

Quantitative Assessments of Crack Sealing Benefits by 3D Laser Technology

Predicting International Roughness Index Based on Surface Distresses in Various Climate and Traffic Conditions Using Laser Crack Measurement System

Input Parameters for the Mechanistic-Empirical Design of Full-Depth Reclamation Projects

Composition and Oxidation Dependence of Glass Transition in Epoxy Asphalt

Investigating Degree of Blending Between Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement and Virgin Binder Using Atomic Force Microscopy and Focused Ion Beam

Crowd-Sensing Road Surface Quality Using Connected Vehicle Data

Thermomechanical Coupling of a Hyper-viscoelastic Truck Tire and a Pavement Layer and its Impact on Three-dimensional Contact Stresses

Fatigue Tolerance of Aged Asphalt Binders Modified with Softeners

Predicting Pavement Roughness Using Deep Learning Algorithms

Long-Term Effects of Subsurface Drainage on Performance of Asphalt Pavements

Development of a Balanced Mix Design Method in Oregon to Improve Long-Term Pavement Performance

Use of a Hot-Mix Asphalt Plant to Produce a Cold Central Plant Recycled Mix: Production Method and Performance

Partnerships between Agencies and Transportation Network Companies for Transportation-Disadvantage Populations: Benefits, Problems, and Challenges

Demand Responsive Transit Simulation of Wayne County, Michigan

Analyzing the Effect of Autonomous Ridehailing on Transit Ridership: Competitor or Desirable First-/Last-Mile Connection?

Transportation Amenities and High-Tech Firm Location: An Empirical Study of High-Tech Clusters

Performance Measurement and Evaluation Framework of Public Microtransit Service

Toward the Development of a Unified Process and Methodology Guide for Environmental Justice Analysis in Planning and Programming

Estimation of Path Travel Time Distributions in Stochastic Time-Varying Networks with Correlations

Statistical Distance-Based Travel-Time Reliability Measurement for Freeway Bottleneck Identification and Ranking

Car-Following Described by Blending Data-Driven and Analytical Models: A Gaussian Process Regression Approach

Development of an Integrated Transportation and Land Use Microsimulation Model on a Flexible Modeling Platform

Assessing the Predictive Value of Traffic Count Data in the Imputation of On-Street Parking Occupancy in Amsterdam

Exploring Individual Activity-Travel Patterns Based on Geolocation Data from Mobile Phones

Performance Comparison of Supply–Demand Matching Policies for On-Demand Mobility Services

Spatiotemporal Demand Prediction Model for E-Scooter Sharing Services with Latent Feature and Deep Learning

(Overlooked) Association between Express Bus Station/Stop Proximity and Multifamily Rents with a Surprise about Transit Mode Synergism and Implications for Transit and Land Use Planning

Estimating Express Train Preference of Urban Railway Passengers Based on Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost) using Smart Card Data

Microtransit Has the Potential to Flip Transit on Its Head

Hybrid-Data Approach for Estimating Trip Purposes

Incorporating Travel Time Reliability in Equitable Congestion Pricing Schemes for Heterogeneous Users and Bimodal Networks

Freeway Network Travel Time Reliability Analysis Methodology and Software Tool Development

Spatial and Temporal Differences in Weekday Travel Durations Between Private-for-Hire Transportation Services and Transit in the City Center

Travel Mode Choices in a Greening Market: The Impact of Electric Vehicles and Prior Investments

Examining Customers’ Critical Acceptance Factors toward Ridepooling Services

Optimizing Budget Allocation for Incentive-Based Active Travel Demand Management Solutions

How Do Shared Dockless E-Scooter Services Affect Mobility Practices in Paris? A Survey-Based Estimation of Modal Shift

Increasing Transparency and Feasibility of Auto Accessibility for Project Prioritization

On Time-Dependent Trip Distance Distribution with For-Hire Vehicle Trips in Chicago

Application of Data-Driven Safety Analysis to Support Port Authority Investment Decisions for Converting Conventional Toll Plazas to Open-Road Tolling

Validating and Calibrating the Highway Capacity Manual Arterial Travel Time Reliability Methodology

Personas: A Market Segmentation Approach for Transportation Behavior Change

Estimating the Impact of High-Fidelity Rainfall Data on Traffic Conditions and Traffic Prediction

Snap Judgements and Availability Bias in Travel Decisions

Development of Estimating Methodology for Transit Accessibility Using Smart Card Data

Developing Transportation Response Strategies for Wildfire Evacuations via an Empirically Supported Traffic Simulation of Berkeley, California

Participation in Shared Mobility: An Analysis of the Influence of Walking and Public Transport Accessibility to Vehicles on Carsharing Membership in Montreal, Canada

Relative Mobility Analysis of a Public Transport Network in Comparison with Car Travel

Investing in Transportation Resilience: A Framework for Informed Choices

Image reads: Safety and Human Performance

Assessment of Crash Occurrence Using Historical Crash Data and a Random Effect Negative Binomial Model: A Case Study for a Rural State

Are Older Drivers Safe on Interchanges? Analyzing Driving Errors Causing Crashes

Development and Evaluation of Geostatistical Methods for Estimating Weather Related Collisions: A Large-Scale Case Study

Identification of High-Risk Driving Behavior and Sections for Rail Systems

Verification of usRAP Risk Assessments for Run-Off and Head-On Crashes Using Field Data

Relating Household Consumption Expenditures to Road Traffic Fatalities: A Rural–Urban Study

Modeling Anticipation and Relaxation of Lane Changing Behavior Using Deep Learning

Understanding the Lateral Dimension of Traffic: Measuring and Modeling Lane Discipline

Effect of Socioeconomic and Demographic Factors on Crash Occurrence

Modeling Car-Following Heterogeneities by Considering Leader–Follower Compositions and Driving Style Differences

Investigating Underage Alcohol-Intoxicated Driver Crash Patterns in Louisiana

Injury Burden of Introducing E-Scooters: A Review of E-Scooter Injury Studies Using Retrospective Review of Emergency Department Records, 2015–2019

Safety Performance Assessment of Connected Vehicles in Mitigating the Risk of Secondary Crashes: A Driving Simulator Study

Surrounding Vehicles’ Contribution to Car-Following Models: Deep-Learning-Based Analysis

Automatic Horizontal Curve Identification for Large Areas from Geographic Information System Roadway Centerlines


Corner Case Generation and Analysis for Safety Assessment of Autonomous Vehicles

Extracting Rules from Autonomous-Vehicle-Involved Crashes by Applying Decision Tree and Association Rule Methods

Safe Speed Prediction Model for Heavy Trucks on Consecutive Mountain Downgrade Routes Based on Energy Conservation Law

Two-Lane Highway Crash Severities: Correlated Random Parameters Modeling Versus Incorporating Interaction Effects

Virtual Risk Assessment for the Deployment of Autonomous Shuttles

Influences of Gesture-Based Mobile Phone Use While Driving

Enhancing the Performance of a Model to Predict Driving Distraction with the Random Forest Classifier

Virtual Reality Application on Road Markings’ Visibility Analysis

Car-Following Model Calibration Based on Driving Simulator Data to Study Driver Characteristics and to Investigate Model Validity in Extreme Traffic Situations

One-Way Coupling of Fire and Egress Modeling for Realistic Evaluation of Evacuation Process

Rail Safety IDEA Project 34: Understanding Systemic Risks of Railroad Hazmat Transport: Development of a Prototype System


Evaluation of an Advanced Driver-Assistance System to Reduce Pedestrian and Rear-End Crashes of Transit Vehicles

Mainstreaming Photo- and Video-Based Documentation as Method for Establishing a Level of Service Framework for the Mumbai Suburban Railway System

Public Transport Fleet Replacement Optimization Using Multi-Type Battery-Powered Electric Buses

Evaluation of the Federal Transit Administration’s Transit and Health Access Initiative: Case Highlights, Findings, and Recommendations

Departure Time Choice in Schedule-Based Transit Assignment

Designing Multiple Short-Turn Routes to Mitigate the Crowding on a Bus Network

Incorporating Practical Degree of Saturation in Capacity Estimation of On-Street, Mid-Block, Off-Line Bus Stops

Scheduling a Bus Fleet for Evacuation Planning Using Stop-Skipping Method

Design of Zonal Express Bus Services to Reduce User Travel Time and Transfers Considering Demand Diversion

Comparison of Door-to-Door Transit Travel Time Estimation Using Schedules, Real-Time Vehicle Arrivals, and Smartcard Inference Methods

Modeling Bus Capacity for Bus Stops Using Queuing Theory and Diffusion Approximation

Impacts of Light Rail Transit on Labor Participation and Housing Affordability in the U.S.: Longitudinal Analysis Using Propensity Score Matching

Preferences toward Bus Alternatives in Rural Areas of the Netherlands: A Stated Choice Experiment

Dynamic Modal Analysis of a Passenger Bus: Theoretical and Numerical Studies

TCRP Research Report 221: Redesigning Transit for the New Mobility Future

ASTM Standards Updates (September – December, 2021)

The following is a list of recently proposed and revised standards from ASTM from September 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021. Standard revisions have been sorted by their placement in the ASTM Book of Standards.

The ASTM Book of Standards is available through the ASTM COMPASS Portal for NJDOT employees. To learn how to access NJDOT's Research Library's standards materials, including the Book of Standards, please contact the librarian.

New updates for standards from ASTM may be viewed here.

Image reads: TRB Publications September October 2021

TRB Publications (September – October, 2021)

The following is a list of research published by the Transportation Research Board (TRB) between September 1, 2021 and October 31, 2021. Current articles from the TRB may be accessed here. 

Image reads: Materials

Decrease in Viscosity Caused by Agglomeration and Particle Dispersion in Cement–Fly Ash Suspensions

Stabilization of the Highway Slope using Recycled Plastic Pins

Evaluation of Acceptance Risks through Percent within Limit for Highway Materials and Pavement Construction

Performance Evaluation of Different Insulating Materials using Field Temperature and Moisture Data

Engineered Semi-Flexible Composite Mixture Design and Its Implementation Method at Railroad Bridge Approach

New Turner-Fairbank Alkali-Silica Reaction Susceptibility Test for Aggregate Evaluation

Progressive Development of the Perched Water Zone in Highway Slopes Made of Highly Plastic Clay

Improvement of Strength and Volume-Change Properties of Expansive Clays with Geopolymer Treatment

Evaluating the Performance of Wicking Geotextile in Providing Drainage for Flexible Pavements Built over Expansive Soils

Evaluation of Chloride Intrusion along Concrete–Grout Interfaces for Post-Tensioned Concrete Durability

Slip Coefficient Testing of ASTM A709 Grade 50CR and Dissimilar Metal Bolted Connections

Relationship between Rheological Indices and Cracking Performance of Virgin, Recycled, and Rejuvenated Asphalt Binders and Mixtures

Xonotlite and Hillebrandite as Model Compounds for Calcium Silicate Hydrate Seeding in Cementitious Materials

Mechanical Properties of Nano-Modified Cementitious Composites Reinforced with Single and Hybrid Fibers

Effect of Nano-Silica on the Properties of Concrete and Its Interaction with Slag

Hydration and Early Age Properties of Cement Pastes Modified with Cellulose Nanofibrils

Role of Carbon Nanofiber on the Electrical Resistivity of Mortar under Compressive Load

Durability of Concrete Superficially Treated with Nano-Silica and Silane/Nano-Clay Coatings

Cellulose Nanocomposites for Performance Enhancement of Ordinary Portland Cement-Based Materials

Effects of Nanosilica as Suspensions on the Hydration and the Microstructure of Hardened Cement Paste

Image reads: Pavements

Use of the Pavement Surface Cracking Metric to Quantify Distresses from Digital Images

Meso-Scale Kinematic Responses of Asphalt Mixture in Both Field and Laboratory Compaction

Field Density Investigation of Asphalt Mixtures in Minnesota

Local Calibration of Pavement Mechanistic-Empirical Faulting Reliability using Pavement Management Data

C-FLEX Advanced Finite Element Analysis Program for Flexible Pavement Analysis and Design

Using Large Linked Field Data Sets to Investigate Density’s Impact on the Performance of Washington State Department of Transportation Asphalt Pavements

Short-Term Field Performance and Cost-Effectiveness of Crumb-Rubber Modified Asphalt Emulsion in Chip Seal Applications

Results of the 10-Year Arizona Quiet Pavement Pilot Program

Predicting the Retroreflectivity Degradation of Waterborne Paint Pavement Markings using Advanced Machine Learning Techniques

Prototype Design of Cement/Emulsified Asphalt Based Piezoelectric Composites and its Potential Application in Vehicle Speed Sensing

Use of Time–Temperature Superposition Principle to Create Pavement Performance Master Curves and Relate Pavement Condition Index and International Roughness Index

Signal Stability and the Height-Correction Method for Ground-Penetrating Radar In Situ Asphalt Concrete Density Prediction

Development of Cost-Effective Restriping Strategies using Standard Width and Wide Waterborne Paints on Asphalt Pavements in Hot and Humid Climates

Redevelopment of Artificial Neural Networks for Predicting the Response of Bonded Concrete Overlays of Asphalt for use in a Faulting Prediction Model

Automated Detection and Classification of Pavement Distresses using 3D Pavement Surface Images and Deep Learning

Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Pavement Crack Detection using an Inexpensive Global Shutter RGB-D Sensor and ARM-Based Single-Board Computer

Application of Mobile Terrestrial LiDAR Scanning Systems for Identification of Potential Pavement Rutting Locations

Detection of Pavement Maintenance Treatments using Deep-Learning Network

Pavement Distress and Debris Detection using a Mobile Mapping System with 2D Profiler LiDAR

Highway Asset and Pavement Condition Management using Mobile Photogrammetry

Application of Advanced Multi-Sensor Non-Destructive Testing System for the Evaluation of Pavements Affected by Transverse Crack-Heaving

Automated Asphalt Pavement Raveling Detection and Classification using Convolutional Neural Network and Macrotexture Analysis

Image reads: Research

State of Emergency: What Transportation Learned from 9/11

Cyber-Resilience: A 21st-Century Challenge

Comparing Commercial Vehicle Fuel Consumption Models using Real-World Data under Calibration Constraints

Development of an Artificial Neural Network-Based Procedure for the Verification of Traffic Speed Deflectometer Measurements

Inferring the Purposes of using Ride-Hailing Services through Data Fusion of Trip Trajectories, Secondary Travel Surveys, and Land Use Data

Understanding Urban Commercial Vehicle Driver Behaviors and Decision Making

Use of Exclusive and Pooled Ridehailing Services in Three Mexican Cities

Transport Networking Companies Demand and Flow Estimation in New York City

Development of a Novel Convolutional Neural Network Architecture Named RoadweatherNet for Trajectory-Level Weather Detection using SHRP2 Naturalistic Driving Data

Bayesian Approach to Developing Context-Based Crash Modification Factors for Medians on Rural Four-Lane Roadways

Impacts of School Reopening on Variations in Local Bus Performance in Sydney

Predicting Coordinated Actuated Traffic Signal Change Times using Long Short-Term Memory Neural Networks

Real-Time Twitter Data Mining Approach to Infer User Perception Toward Active Mobility

Understanding Gap Acceptance Behavior at Unsignalized Intersections using Naturalistic Driving Study Data

Extraction of Construction Quality Requirements from Textual Specifications via Natural Language Processing

Spatio-Temporal Influence of Extreme Weather on a Taxi Market

Simulation Framework for Analysis of Relief Distribution Efforts after Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico

Transportation Barriers among Immigrant Women Experiencing Intimate Partner Violence

Simulation of Potential Use Cases for Shared Mobility Services in the City of Ann Arbor


Image reads: Safety and Human Performance

Emergency Evacuation: 20-Year Evolution of Research and Practice

Retooling Emergency Management: How Caltrans Transformed and Transcended the State of the Practice

Is It Safe Yet? Fear and What Can Be Done to Mitigate It

Interoperability of Public Safety Communications: An Elusive Goal

Bridge and Tunnel Security Resources

Successful Communication During Disruptive, Crisis Situations: 14th Annual Competition Identifies Best Practices

Factors Affecting Driver Injury Severity in the Wrong-Way Crash: Accounting for Potential Heterogeneity in Means and Variances of Random Parameters

Effects of Auditory Display Types and Acoustic Variables on Subjective Driver Assessment in a Rail Crossing Context

Systematic Review of Research on Driver Distraction in the Context of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems

Potential Effectiveness of Bicycle-Automatic Emergency Braking using the Washtenaw Area Transportation Study Data Set

Spatiotemporal Analysis of Highway Traffic Patterns in Hurricane Irma Evacuation

Machine Learning Approach for Predicting Lane-Change Maneuvers using the SHRP2 Naturalistic Driving Study Data

Assessment of Commercial Truck Driver Injury Severity as a Result of Driving Actions

Simple Index to Assess the Calibration Quality of Safety Performance Functions Based on Multiple Goodness-of-Fit Metrics

Driving Maneuvers Detection using Semi-Supervised Long Short-Term Memory and Smartphone Sensors

Topic Models from Crash Narrative Reports of Motorcycle Crash Causation Study

Examining Freeway Bottleneck Features During a Mass Evacuation

Review of Post-Fire Inspection Procedures for Concrete Tunnels

Systematic Safety Evaluation of Diverging Diamond Interchanges Based on Nationwide Implementation Data

Regional Perspective of Safety Performance Functions and Their Application to Florida Intersections in Suburban Residential and Urban General Context Classification Categories

Measuring Congestion and Reliability Impacts of Safety Projects

ASTM Standards Updates May thru August 2021

ASTM Standards Updates (May – August, 2021)

The following is a list of recently proposed and revised standards from ASTM from May 1, 2021 to August 1, 2021. Standard revisions have been sorted by their placement in the ASTM Book of Standards.

The ASTM Book of Standards is available through the ASTM COMPASS Portal for NJDOT employees. To learn how to access NJDOT's Research Library's standards materials, including the Book of Standards, please contact the librarian.

New updates for standards from ASTM may be viewed here.