Got INNOVATIVE IDEAS that could help improve transportation in New Jersey?
Share your IDEAS with us!
Submit your idea to NJ STIC!
NJSTIC’s mission is to identify, evaluate, and where and when possible, rapidly deploy new technologies and process improvements that will accelerate project delivery and improve the quality of NJ’s transportation network.
Do you have an idea that could help NJDOT accomplish this mission?
Innovative ideas should be:
New technologies or processes
Rapidly deployable
Market ready
Well researched
Proven technologies, tactics or technologies
Need more information?
Does your idea or comment concern...
NJDOT phone directory ■ Pulaski Skyway inquiries ■ Employee verification ■ Toll collection ■ EZ Pass ■ NJ Turnpike issues ■ Garden State Parkway issues ■ NJ Transit issues ■ Damage claims ■ Drivers licenses, plates, registration ■ Trucking related issues ■ Real time traffic & traffic cameras ■ Regulations ■ Report waste, fraud, or abuse ■ Other information