Knowledge management is “an umbrella term for a variety of techniques for building, leveraging and sustaining the know-how and experience of an organization’s employees” (NCHRP 813) to support organizational efficiency and effectiveness. An agency-wide approach that involves workforce planning, development of communities of practice, knowledge capture, project management, and information management strategies can build an agency’s knowledge base.
A successful knowledge management program will be championed by agency leadership, and will promote collaboration and the formation of knowledge communities, codification and dissemination of knowledge, and succession and talent management (Spy Pond Partners, LLC, 2015).
The knowledge sharing practices (strategies, techniques, and tools) shown below can be utilized to transfer knowledge to one person to another or to groups of people. When employed one-on-one, these practices, can be used to convey technical details or information specific to a position or process. When used to transfer knowledge to groups of people, these practices provide an efficient means to reach people who can benefit from this knowledge.
Annotation of templates, plans, or other guidelines provides specific instructions on items for inclusion and how to complete the template and provides documentation.
Methods, processes, and strategies that have been shown to be effective through implementation. Adoption of best practices results in time and cost savings, reduction in errors, managing risk.
A group of people who deepen their knowledge and expertise by interacting with each other over time and who share that collaborative knowledge within the organization, but not a formally constituted work team.
Training an employee to do the work of another, which allows employees to fill in on a short or long term basis, improves knowledge of functions across units, and promotes personal connections among staff.
Veteran employee shares knowledge with a less experienced employee and provides hands-on practice in dealing with everyday problems and the most difficult situations.
When a retiring employee, or an employee with expertise who is leaving a position, is given the opportunity to conduct a last lecture to share their experiences through a final presentation.
Training for specific situations or developmental needs, effective for transferring organizational cultural formation, relationships outside units, develop higher level of proficiency.
The NJDOT Research Library provides reference and referral services to NJDOT employees at the NJDOT headquarters building and throughout the state, New Jersey state government employees, and members of the general public.
Process documentation or process mapping describes the steps in a process, the roles and responsibilities of individuals involved in the process, and the product or products.
Structured on-the-job training provides a trainee with direct instruction from an experienced worker and hands-on experience of the job at the job site.
Videos support knowledge transfer by offering training and technical assistance, recording webinars and events, and building awareness of innovative practices, and documenting accomplishments.
A webinar is an online event that is hosted by an organization/company and broadcast to a select group of individuals through their computers via the Internet.