Annotated Template/Guidance Document | Templates, outlines, or other content/format guidelines to provide guidance on items for inclusion and how to go about writing and documentation |
Communities of Practice | A group of people who deepen their knowledge and expertise by interacting with each other over time and who share that collaborative knowledge with others in the organization, but not a formally constituted work team |
Critical Incident Review/Lessons Learned | Capture lessons of experienced employees' approach to problem solving. Creates a database and allows for discussion of what worked, what did not work, and why. Focuses on finding root causes and process issues |
Expert Interviews | Skilled interviewer asks questions of employee to make tacit knowledge explicit. |
Job Shadowing | Veteran employee shares knowledge with a less experienced employee and provides hands-on practice in dealing with everyday problems and the most difficult situations |
Knowledge Maps | Used to discover the location, form, ownership, value and use of knowledge and people's expertise to make better use of knowledge and identify barriers to knowledge flow |
Last Lecture/Story Telling/Oral History | Retiring employee or employee with expertise is encouraged to give a presentation in a staff meeting and/or lunchtime talk. Event can be face-to-face or via a video. Description of what really happened to give context, engage feelings and minds, help listeners see relevancy to their own situation |
Mentoring Programs | Training for specific situations or developmental needs, effective for transferring organizational cultural formation, relationships outside units, develop higher level of proficiency |
Peer Exchange | Peers from state DOTs, or regional and local governments, meet to exchange ideas and best practices on a specific topic to benefit research, development, and technology transfer programs |
Process Documentation | Flow diagrams that illustrate a process and identifies roles and responsibilities of various parties, including process, participants and products at each step in the process. |
Research | Research advances innovation and contributes to broad implementation of specific processes and procedures |
Tech Talk Events | SMEs present information on specific innovative initiatives or research findings at lunchtime talks or half-day events |
Training | SME conducts training session on specific topic |
Videos | Illustrates how a job or task is done or innovation is achieved. Documents model or innovative practices |
Webinar | SMEs conduct online training that can be accessed live or reposed for on-demand usage |
Workshop | Half-day or full-day event including practical application of knowledge transferred |