Online Training Library

This is a resource for current and archived online trainings regarding transportation technology and innovation, such as Every Day Counts initiative webinars, AASHTO trainings, and more.
Enhancing Performance with Internally Cured Concrete (EPIC2) Videos

Enhancing Performance with Internally Cured Concrete (EPIC2) Videos

Enhancing Performance with Internally Cured Concrete (EPIC2) is one of FHWA’s innovations promoted in the seventh round of the Every Day Counts (EDC) program. ...
Equity in Roadway Safety:  Webinar Series

Equity in Roadway Safety: Webinar Series

FHWA's equity in roadway safety webinar series shares equitable strategies and tools that can be integrated into transportation programs and projects to close disparities in ...
Strategic Workforce Development Online Recordings & Presentations

Strategic Workforce Development Online Recordings & Presentations

Strategic Workforce Development is one of FHWA’s seven initiatives promoted in the seventh round of the Every Day Counts (EDC) program. Key emphasis is on ...
National Operations Center of Excellence Video Resources

National Operations Center of Excellence Video Resources

The National Operations Center of Excellence maintains a You Tube Channel that is designed to offer a suite of video resources to serve the ...
2-D Hydraulic Modeling User’s Forum Web Series

2-D Hydraulic Modeling User’s Forum Web Series

The FHWA 2-D Hydraulic Modeling User’s Forum webinar series periodically holds events and disseminates important lessons learned and guidance information. including a discussion of model ...
NJDOT Traffic Incident Management Training Course – Now Available Online as Self-Guided Course

NJDOT Traffic Incident Management Training Course – Now Available Online as Self-Guided Course

NJDOT's Traffic Incident Management training is now available as an online, self-guided course. Bringing first responder training program to online platform should make it ...
ITS Training and Resource Hub

ITS Training and Resource Hub

The Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Professional Capacity Building (PCB) Program and its partners offer trainings and resources to support workforce development and technical assistance for ...
Adventures in Crowdsourcing Webinar Series 

Adventures in Crowdsourcing Webinar Series 

The Crowdsourcing Innovation Team in collaboration with the Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office (ITS JPO) Professional Capacity Building (PCB) Program is offering the crowdsourcing course ...