Online Training Library

This is a resource for current and archived online trainings regarding transportation technology and innovation, such as Every Day Counts initiative webinars, AASHTO trainings, and more.
Road Weather Spotlight Monthly Webinar Series

Road Weather Spotlight Monthly Webinar Series

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Road Weather Management Program (RWMP) has launched the Road Weather Spotlight, a monthly webinar series discussing challenges of various road ...
AASHTO Technical Service Program  Transportation Curriculum Coordination Council (TC3) Trainings

AASHTO Technical Service Program Transportation Curriculum Coordination Council (TC3) Trainings

The Transportation Curriculum Coordination Council (TC3) mission is to develop and maintain a quality training curriculum to enhance the competency of the nation's transportation Construction, ...
Talking TIM Webinar Series (TIM) Webinar Series

Talking TIM Webinar Series (TIM) Webinar Series

A series of FHWA-hosted webinars spotlights ongoing NextGen TIM implementations and best practices. ...
Climate Change Resilience and Adaptation Courses from the National Highway Institute

Climate Change Resilience and Adaptation Courses from the National Highway Institute

The Federal Highway Administration's National Highway Institute (NHI) is offering several environmental web-based training courses addressing climate change through adaptation and resilience. ...
FHWA Digital as Builts (DABS) Webinar Series

FHWA Digital as Builts (DABS) Webinar Series

The FHWA will present an eight-part webinar series on the EDC-6 Implementation Initiative for Digital As-Builts (DABs). The webinar series is designed to increase overall ...
A-GaME’s Webinar Series:  Ready When You Are & Geophysics Users Group Meetings

A-GaME’s Webinar Series: Ready When You Are & Geophysics Users Group Meetings

The FHWA is putting on its "A-GaME Summer Super Sessions Series" for 2022, specifically focused on improving geotechnical site characterization practices for construction decisions and ...
Project Bundling Webinar Series

Project Bundling Webinar Series

FHWA provides online webinars on the subject of project bundling to share best practices with interested agencies. ...
Virtual Public Involvement Peer Exchanges and Video Case Studies

Virtual Public Involvement Peer Exchanges and Video Case Studies

Transportation agencies can increase meaningful public involvement in planning and project development by integrating virtual tools into their overall public involvement approach. FHWA has ...