Image reads: Exam Guides

Exam Guides

Did You Know…

Image reads: Exam Guides

The New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) Research Library is affiliated with the New Jersey State Library. The NJ State Library offers examination preparation resources for those preparing for testing. Some of these resources are available in digital format and may be checked out electronically.

NJDOT employees seeking these books should contact the NJDOT Research Library at: for additional details.

Sample materials include:

Many of the exam guides are available in eBook format from the NJ State Library. eBooks can be requested and accessed instantly from a browser or via the Libby app.

Detailed instructions on requesting and viewing eLibrary books are available here.

AASHTO Featured Publications

Did you know…

NJDOT employees have access to a wide variety of AASHTO materials, such as research, reports, and manuals. A list of recent, featured AASHTO publications may be viewed here.

The NJDOT Research Library has approximately 200 AASHTO publications available electronically in an internal SharePoint drive. A list of these documents is here. These documents are available only to NJDOT employees and will not be found in the New Jersey State Library’s catalog.

Please contact the research librarian to learn how to access these materials.


Did you know…

The ASTM COMPASS platform provides access to ASTM’s over 13,000 standards, research reports, manuals and more.

The COMPASS contains relevant sections of The ASTM’s Book of Standards, AASHTO transportation management publications, American Welding Society documents, federal regulations codes, and other industry research materials and reports. The NJDOT Research Library is pleased to provide licensed ASTM COMPASS access to state employees.

Please contact the research librarian to learn how to access these materials.